Hand Therapy involves evaluation and testing to assess the injured limb from which a specific treatment program can be designed. A variety of specialized treatment techniques are used to help a patient regain maximum use of his/her hand after injury, surgery or the onset of disease. The entire upper extremity can be treated in Hand Therapy. This includes treatment of injuries to the shoulder girdle and elbow, as well as the wrist, hand and forearm.
We work with patients who are disabled from the effects of repetitive motion disorders or who suffer from chronic problems. We also treat patients who may have been affected by an accident or trauma that leaves them with wounds, scars, burns, injured tendons or nerves, fractures or even amputation of the fingers, hands or arms.
Our clients include:
* children
* athletes
* musicians
* construction workers
* office workers
* retirees
as well as people recovering from reconstructive surgery or suffering from traumatic injuries, auto-immune diseases and genetic disorders.
Our treatment program often starts within days of the injury or surgery right through to the patient’s return to work and/or a productive lifestyle. We work one-on-one with you to develop an individual treatment plan that will best address your unique medical situation. We provide the best possible therapeutic treatment from a full range of approaches which include custom splinting, heat, cold, swelling reduction, electrical stimulation, cold laser, ultrasound and exercise. We also work with you to help educate you about ways to improve and maintain your capacity to function and to prevent future injury.